Labour law
Do you need support with an employment contract?
We advise you on the wording of employment contracts or staff regulations, including suitable language covering salary and bonus, overtime, notice periods and non-competition clauses. We discuss with you, and implement, your preferences.
Do you have problems in connection with the termination of employment contract?
We will explain the legal situation and examine whether a blocking period has expired or termination without notice is possible. We assist you in the process of terminating an employment agreement, including the drafting of the termination letter or agreement. We will support you in reaching an amicable settlement with the employee and represent you in disputes before the labour court.
Do you have questions about a collective employment contract?
We advise you in all matters of collective employment law, whether the scope of application of a collective agreement is in question, claims arising from it are disputed or you need support in negotiating a collective agreement.
Do you need support in connection with posting or public labour law?
If your parent or sister company or your subsidiary abroad posts employees to Switzerland, we will help you to comply with the relevant regulations. We also support you in all matters relating to maximum working hours and occupational safety. We accompany and represent you in proceedings before governmental authorities and courts.
Your contacts
Dorothee Auwärter
Michael Hochstrasser
Heinrich Hempel
Beat Denzler
Andrea Nemes
Entscheidbesprechung: BGer 4A_383/2022, Regressprivileg des Arbeitgebers
AJP 2024
Seite 162-165
Konkurrenzverbot im Arbeitsvertrag
Zürcher Wirtschaft 10. November 2016
Ratgeber Recht: Ausbildungskosten von Arbeitnehmern: Wer zahlt?
Zürcher Wirtschaft, 11/2008
Seite 20-21
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