Energy and electricity law
Do you have questions in connection with the construction or operation of an electrical installation?
We support and advise you on all legal issues relating to the construction, operation, maintenance (including refurbishment) and decommissioning of electrical installations.
We answer your legal questions regarding the construction of a photovoltaic system. We will draft a customised contract for you if you make your roof available for a photovoltaic system. We also provide pragmatic advice on special issues such as the installation of photovoltaic systems on listed buildings.
We can answer your questions about setting up an association for self-consumption (ZEV) or a local energy community (LEG) and draw up the relevant contracts. We are at your side if you are planning to build a transformer station in a protected area, in or outside the construction zone. We also support you in all matters relating to electrical products and product safety.
We advise you on all these issues during the planning stage and represent you in objection negotiations, planning approval and other proceedings before authorities and courts.
Have you received objections to your construction project?
We will explain the legal situation, point out possible alternatives and help you to assert your justified claims. We support you in negotiations with objectors and authorities and represent you in the relevant proceedings so that you can realise your project as quickly as possible.
Do you as an authority have questions about electricity law?
We answer all your legal questions on electricity law in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein that arise in the course of your official activities.
We support you if you want to promote the expansion of renewable energies in your municipality and help you with the implementation and drafting of regulations.
We work with you to find solutions and support you in negotiations. We advise and represent you in expropriation or appraisal proceedings for the construction of an electrical installation and in all other administrative proceedings.
Does your company carry out electrical installation and inspection work?
We support you with legal issues in connection with installation and inspection work. We can also help you recognise the equivalence of foreign qualifications so that you can carry out electrical installation and inspection work in Switzerland.
Your contacts
Richard Amstutz
Simon Bachmann
Heinrich Hempel
Zusammenschlüsse zum Eigenverbrauch – NIV
ESTI Mitteilung Nr. 2019-0701 vom 18. Juli 2019
Unabhängigkeit der Kontrollen nach NIV
in: Bulletin electrosuisse 9/2012
Seite 58-63
Allgemeine Installationsbewilligung, «Unterakkord» und Personalverleih
in: Bulletin electrosuisse 8/2012
Seite 79-81
Windenergie im Kanton Zürich: Von politischen Entscheidungen und Interessenabwägungen
Der Regierungsrat möchte im Kanton Zürich grosse Windkraftanlagen ermöglichen, um die im Hinblick auf die Energiewende gesetzten Ziele zu erreichen. Er ist aufgrund der Vorgaben des Bundes zudem verpflichtet, im kantonalen Richtplan geeignete Gebiete für Windenergie festzulegen. Das Projekt zu…
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