Together to success.

We advise companies ranging from family businesses to listed companies, entrepreneurs, shareholders and partners on all matters of corporate law.

Are you considering setting up a company?

We help you with the drafting of articles of association and regulations as well as with all other steps involved in setting up a company. We sit down with you, discuss your options and design the company in accordance with your needs. 

Do you have any questions in connection with a General Meeting?

We help with the drafting of the invitation, answer your questions regarding the passing of resolutions and quorums, advise on requests for information and inspection as well as on the recording of minutes and support you in contesting resolutions. Our lawyers also act as independent proxies.

Do you need support with the acquisition or restructuring of a company?

We have many years of experience in the field of mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and have an extensive network of contacts with domestic and foreign law firms. We advise you on company acquisitions and sales, reorganizations and restructurings such as mergers, demergers and transformations.

Are you planning your company succession?

We advise you on succession planning with regard to retirement or in the event of death. We work with you to develop individual solutions to ensure that the company is continued in accordance with your preferences. In cooperation with external tax advisors, we optimize the tax burden.

Do you have any other requests?

We also support you in all other matters relating to commercial and trade law. In competition and antitrust law, we advise you on all issues and support you in proceedings before governmental authorities and courts. We help you implement data protection regulations and support you in drafting records and contracts. In the area of intellectual property law (IP), we help you protect a trademark or your copyright and draft licence or other agreements. We also support you with questions relating to information technology (IT).

Your contacts


Kommentar zu Art. 513-515a OR

in: Hochstrasser Michael/Tina Huber-Purtschert/Eva Maissen (Hrsg.), Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht, 4. Aufl., Zürich 2023

Michael Hochstrasser

Klage wegen absichtlicher Täuschung

in: Fischer/Theus Simoni/Gessler (Hrsg.), Kommentierte Musterklagen zum Vertrags- und zum Haftpflichtrecht, Zürich 2022, Bd. I, 2. Auflage

Seite 421-430

Heinrich Hempel

Klage des Kunden gegen den Vermögensverwalter

in: Fischer/Theus Si­mo­ni/Gessler, Kommentierte Musterklagen zum Vertrags- und zum Haft­pflicht­recht, Zürich 2022, Bd. I, 2. Auflage

Seite 325-347

Beat Denzler /
Ursula Geilinger



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