Over 60 years of experience.

We assist domestic and foreign airlines, carriers, and shipping companies as well as their insurers in all matters of aviation and transportation law.

Our law firm has been active in aviation and transportation law for over 60 years. We have experience with large and small claims and have an extensive network comprising domestic and foreign law firms and authorities.

Do you have a claim?

We provide you with an assessment of the legal situation and support you in settling the claim. We help you enforce your claim for damages and defend you against unjustified claims. We assist you in negotiations with the other party and represent you before authorities and courts. We represent insurers in the enforcement of recovery claims before courts and arbitration tribunals.

Do you have questions relating to the conclusion of a contract?

We advise you on all aspects of contractual air and transportation law. We draft and review contracts and general terms and conditions for you. We point out risks and draft the contract in accordance with your needs.

Are you confronted with passenger rights claims?

We support you in dealing with claims of passengers. We help you to fend off unjustified claims and represent you before authorities and courts.

Do you need support in regulatory matters?

We advise you on issues relating to take-off and landing rights, access to infrastructure, fees, the implementation of safety regulations, noise issues and other regulatory measures. We represent you before governmental authorities and courts.

Your contacts


In-Depth: Aviation Law | Switzerland

in: Sean Gates (Hrsg.), In-Depth: Aviation Law, 12th edition, London 2024

Michael Hochstrasser /
Daniel Maritz /
Heinrich Hempel
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Bemerkungen zur Auslegung der Fluggastrechte-Verordnung aus Sicht von Schweizer Juristen

ReiseRecht aktuell 2023

Seite 111 – 113

Michael Hochstrasser /
Daniel Maritz
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Der Flug als Pauschalreise oder als Teil einer Pauschalreise

AJP 2023

Seite 126 – 130

Michael Hochstrasser /
Benjamin V. Enz
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Drohnen: Weitgehende Registrierungspflicht seit 1. Januar 2023

Seit 1. Januar 2023 gelten in der Schweiz die Verordnungen (EU) Nr. 945/2019 und 947/2019 und damit die europäischen Regeln für den Betrieb, die Registrierung und Bewilligung von Drohnen sowie die für den Betrieb von Drohnen erforderlichen Schulungen und Prüfungen. Eine Bewilligungspflicht besteht f…

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Schiller Rechtsanwälte among the best Swiss law firms in the “BILANZ”-ranking 2021

We are pleased that Schiller Rechtsanwälte is again recognized in the ranking 2021 of the Swiss business magazine BILANZ as one of the best law firms in Switzerland: Our law firm is among the five most frequently recommended Swiss law firms in the industry sectors aviation and transport. Schiller Re…

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Habilitationsschrift “Der Beförderungsvertrag” im Buchhandel erhältlich

Die Habilitationsschrift unseres Partners Michael Hochstrasser ist nun im Buchhandel erhältlich (Schulthess Verlag). Das Werk mit dem Titel “Der Beförderungsvertrag” umfasst mehr als 600 Seiten. Die Habilitationsschrift behandelt den Beförderungsvertrag umfassend – vom Zeitpunkt de…

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