Travelling together.

We advise companies on competition law and antitrust law.

Would you like to have the competition law aspects of a merger or co-operation examined?

We clarify the risks relating to competition law and antitrust law (e.g. price and territory agreements or abuse of a dominant market position).

Are you affected by proceedings before the Competition Commission?

We advise and represent you in antitrust investigation proceedings and in control proceedings before the Competition Commission. 

Does the Price Supervisor believe that you are offering a product at too high a price? 

We represent you in proceedings before the Price Supervisor and advise you on the relevant issues.

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Wettbewerbsrecht – Unzulässiges Verbot von Parallelimporten / Competition Law – illegal ban on parallel imports

Wettbewerbsrecht – Unzulässiges Verbot von Parallelimporten Das Bundesgericht hat entschieden, ein Verbot von Parallelimporten, das die Elmex-Herstellerin Colgate-Palmolive Europe Sàrl (ehemals: Gaba International AG) bis 2006 ihrer Lizenznehmerin in Österreich auferlegt hatte, sei eine unzul…

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